Ps 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
It is the will of God that every person living on this planet offer praise to God for who He is and for what He has done.
He knows who you are and what you may have gone through. Humanity has blamed Him for every thing that has gone wrong in their lives. Still, God loves us enough to put up with it. Maybe you don’t know how to praise Him or don’t even know why you should praise Him. The verse of scripture above gives us one reason. You are still alive, still have breath. That means there is still hope and it’s not over yet.
Let me share with you some ways to praise God. These are means that are acceptable to Him. He is not asking you to praise Him the way someone else does. He wants it to be from your heart, your soul, your love for Him. We are all different. Our personalities are not the same. Perhaps that is why He has given us so many ways to offer our praise.
These ways are taken from the original Hebrew language and approved by God.
1. Yadah: To extend the hand or reach up.
2. Towdah: A sacrifice of thanksgiving even before you see the manifestation.
3. Halal: To shine boast, rave celebrate or be clamorously foolish.
4. Shabach: To shout, address in a loud tone, give glory or be vocal
5. Barak: To kneel, bow down in worship, bless God expecting to receive from Him.
6. Zamar: Touch the strings, rejoice with instruments.
7. Tehillah: So sing, laud, singing to God from the heart.
These are an expression of gratitude.
They may or may not demonstrate a particular emotion or feeling. They go deeper than that. Often times we will find ourselves boosting our praise with emotions and that is wonderful, but even if a particular feeling isn’t there, God is still God and He still loves you and wants the best for you.
Remember, Adam gave this world over to Satan in the Garden of Eden. That means that Satan is still the god of this world. You might think twice before declaring God guilty when things don’t go according to your plan or wishes. Was it really God that brought storm or caused that tragedy? Perhaps an innocent life was taken and we blame God. It wasn’t God that caused that driver to drink that alcohol. God didn’t cause that man or woman to turn to drugs. God, through His Word and through His Son, has always provided a better way but those who reject His ways cannot blame Him for the results.
Like you, I don’t have all the answers but one thing I do know. God still sits on the throne and Jesus gave His life for you.
God didn’t give us cancer, mental illness or even a headache. When things look bad, turn to God and praise Him and thank Him that not only is it not going to get worse (declaration of faith) but that things are going to get better. Have a blessed day.