By Lee Roy Anderson
And Moses answered and said, but be hold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee. Exodus 4:1 and verse 10, Moses said, unto the Lord O my Lord I am not eloquent neither here to fore nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant but I am slow of speech and of slow tongue. In Moses life which he was being called to deliver and lead Israel out of Egypt. Moses does just what so many of us do when God calls, MAKE EXCUSES? He asks God, Who am I? What do I say? He tells God, I’m not a very good speaker and they will never believe me. Moses does and says all that he can think to do and say but it all boils down to – God send someone else? Moses is so focused on his inability that he doesn’t recognize God’s ability. Read Exodus 4:1-5. The rod reminded him that he was a lowly shepherd caring for a flock that he did not even own? Moses held his identity in his hand.
Many people today are suffering from and identity crisis. They have tied all that they think they are to the job they have or the position they hold. Sadly, in the economy that we are facing and with the large number of jobs which have been lost, people are questioning who they are. Don’t look back? A lost job or career is a new opportunity? The rod in Moses hand that reminded him of his failures was used by God to bring plagues upon Egypt to part the Red Sea, to bring water from a rock and to defeat the Amalikites. Likewise, God will use your past experiences and perceived failures for His glory if you allow him. Today the enemy of God does not mind so much if his children sing, pray, fellowship and worship. But if they were to get serious about serving God, watch out! So wake up church get the sleepies out of your eyes. Look up and accept all God has for you!