By Lee Roy Anderson
King Solomon asked God’s Blessing on the nation of Israel.
Shortly after Solomon asked God to bless the nation of Israel there was a condition need to have Solomon’s prayer answered. God said in 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people which are called by name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Most people have no trouble with praying or seeking God’s blessing. The real problem is that we overlook the phrase and turn from their wicked ways.
No amount of praying will correct our problems until we are willing to turn from our wicked ways. Today the enemy of God does not mind so much if his children sing, pray, fellowship, and worship. But if they were to get serious about serving god, watch out! Let people get on fire for God and decide that going through the motions is not enough, then you will see real trouble come.
We must commit within ourselves to stand, and fight by God’s grace. The Lord God of Heaven, who hath so lavishly blessed America made us thy people to be humble. Keep us ever aware that good things we enjoy come from thee. I sometimes wonder, who do we think we are? God has been so good to us! We live in the greatest country in this world and are afforded opportunities that people in other countries can only dream about. Never before have Christians had so much and appreciated it so little! Sadly, there are some who live as though there is not enough good to go around and grumble when others are blessed. Is this you? Take time today to listen to God’s still small voice and don’t allow the good you do to keep you from the best, the Gospel of Jesus Christ? You cannot live wrong and die right!