By Lee Roy Anderson
Why are thou cast down O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance. Psalm 42:5.
Today’s Psalm is for those who may be depressed or discouraged. There are times in this life we have good reason to be sorrowful. There are times when we feel as though we are in the right but still we are attacked and ridiculed. It is in those times we genuinely thirst for God and cry out for his help. Does it ever seem to you that when you are down and depressed and listening for God’s voice and not hearing it you begin to talk to yourself? This is just what the Psalmist is doing in our text. His faith reasons with his fears and his hope argues with sorrows. Notice also the psalmist repeats himself over and over psalm, 42:5, 42:11 and 43:5. He repeatedly asks the same question? Don’t we tend to do the very same thing?
We repeat ourselves over and over often without listening. Friends, we all go through tough times and low valleys of pain, emotional hurt, depression and discouragement. Our feelings are real but remember so is our God! When you feel as though you are sinking God’s grace is there to help you. His power and grace will keep your head above water. You don’t have go down? Listen to his still small voice and let it be your guide out of the valley. Trust God for all that he is all that he had done and all that he will do. God’s people are continually commended to trust God for his protection, love, and deliverance. Proverbs 3:5-6, says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. We should not rely on our own understanding but the truth of God’s word and teaches us. Let God direct our paths. When we read the Psalms they often play on the heartstrings of our emotions. They meet us in times of despair when all hope seems to be gone. They lift us up on the wings of praise and can be a song in the dark night. God is with us, he helps us, and comforts us. He will never leave nor forsake. Hebrews 13:5, even when the world around you is shaking. Trust Him, he will bring you safely through! You cannot live wrong and die right.