By Lee Roy Anderson
He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly and a man of wicked devices is hated. Proverbs 14:17.
I have noticed that in all aspects of our world that trait of anger is becoming more and more prevalent. This is something that the wise man also refers to. An angry man stirreth up strife and a furious man aboundeth in transgression. Prov. 29:22.
Anger, fury, malice and wrath all express a similar emotion. These are things that are very prominent in the world today. We hear of road rage. The Bible does not teach that we should express anger and fury in the physical things. Be ye angry and sin not let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Ephesians 4:26.
Anger is everywhere. We see it in the schools and on the road. I am amazed by all the anger which can be seen at youth sporting events. Anger is not reserved for the world only. It can be found even in the church. Sinful anger can be defined as an emotion that moves one to speak, act, or think in a way that is sinful. We all get angry. Anger is built into us; we are born with it. Not one person can honestly say that will never get angry again. There is no question that each of us will be angered by something we will see, hear, or experience in the near future.
The real question is not will we get angry, but how will we respond to it? We choose how we will respond to our circumstances and situations that may anger us. We do not have to blow our stack or make a fool of ourselves. We control more than we think? How do I know this?
Here is an example: the preacher calls your home to let you know you are in his prayer and you are being thought of. But when you answer the phone you answer with an angry tone because of the seemingly hundreds of telemarketing calls you have been receiving, or because of frustration with your spouse or children. Instantly upon hearing the preachers voice, the angry frustrating tone turns to the sweet, soft, and pleasant voice you can be found with at church.
We have more control over our anger than we would like to admit. Sadly, we know with whom we can blow up our stack and get away with being at our worst. Friends, let’s make a conscious effort to show our very best to everyone with whom we come in contact.
James 1:19-20, says, wherefore my beloved brethren let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Remember sadly there are some who live as though there is not enough good to go around and grumble when others are blessed. Is this you? Friend, remember, if you growl all day don’t be surprised if you are dog-tired at night!