The Baptist Classroom
This is a Bible John Wooden won 10 NCAA college basketball championships in 12 years with UCLA. Every year, the...
Read moreDetailsThis is a Bible John Wooden won 10 NCAA college basketball championships in 12 years with UCLA. Every year, the...
Read moreDetailsContext, Context, Context I heard a podcaster say that the key to Biblical interpretation is like real estate, but rather...
Read moreDetailsChristian Celebrities It would be best if you didn't get your theology from celebrities. Looking up to people is hardly...
Read moreDetailsClocks Striking Three In Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, Cassius replies to Brutus, "The clock hath stricken three." That's called an...
Read moreDetailsThe Ordinary Way Students lingered at the chapel on February 8, 2023, after the Wednesday evening service at Asbury University...
Read moreDetailsBiscuits and Gravy I recently watched a video called "British Highschoolers try Biscuits and Gravy for the First Time." It...
Read moreDetailsHall of Faith? I always have wanted to go to the Baseball Hall of Fame. When I was a boy,...
Read moreDetailsImmersion Is Halfway There Years ago, I baptized a young man who was a little scared of going under the...
Read moreDetailsElementary My Dear After a tough case, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson decide to take some time off, get away...
Read moreDetailsDrawing Lines Lord willing, we will start the fourth chapter of First John and the second chapter of Second Peter...
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