Please let us not pretend that the objection to the blocking of science standards regarding climate change is about denying real science to our children. This is a political move. Just like the blocking is a political move. Because the new standards are a political move. Just as ‘climate change’ is a political move. And none of it has much to do with science.
I am in complete agreement with the blocking of this foolishness based on ‘junk’ science and the political agenda of the climate change proponents.
‘Climate Change’ is the new phrase because the old phrase ‘Global Warming’ lost its effectiveness in the light of truth that for the last 15 years the planet has been globally cooling. The junk science behind the new phrase is still the same: carbon dioxide is a pollutant gas that is destroying the world and needs regulated. What a crock. The EPA, a political entity at the behest of this administration, not a scientific one, declared carbon dioxide a pollutant. Most scientists still recognize carbon dioxide as a building block of life. In fact all animal life on this planet is in a symbiotic relationship with all plant life on this planet. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. A perfectly sustainable system which self-corrects. Those who say ‘extra’ man-made carbon dioxide is a pollution are mostly unfamiliar with the Earths own ability to regulate it. During those places and periods when carbon dioxide is out of balance the oceans adjust it. When too much co2 is available, the ocean absorbs it. When co2 is depleted the ocean releases it. Regulating carbon dioxide is therefore impossible unless we harness the power first to regulate the ocean’s ability to regulate it.
In 2007 a group of 50 the world’s greatest climate scientists tried to produce a documentary refuting global warming. They were opposed by every movie producer and distributor in Hollywood. They were turned down by all the money men. So they paid for it themselves and distributed it. Called, the “Great Global Warming Swindle” it is two hours of scientific fact refuting all claims of the climate change agenda. It can be found on-line, on YouTube, Netfix, Amazon and other places. Find it, watch it. Help open the eyes of the world to this political fight and choose a side.
There is an old joke: Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it. Well, climate change folks think they can. Pardon me while I snicker here. Climate change has nothing to do with weather. Weather as scientist Piers Corbin will tell you is driven by cosmic rays, sun light, solar flares and sunspots. The sun is entirely responsible for the creation and dispensation of clouds, the water cycle, and wind currents. We still have no control over the sun, and thus no control over the weather.
We also know that carbon dioxide has no direct relationship to temperatures. Many years while co2 was up temperatures were down (1932-1952, 1962-1970, 1998-present, just to name a few more recent years). Historically even during the warmest of years (prior to the dark ages) there were no cataclysmic events.
So, clamoring voices aside, let us not pretend climate change is real science, nor an emergency that our children need to rush out and address.
Pollution. Smog. Air quality. Ash and/or sulfur in the air. These were real concerns that were addressed and met. It is a testament that this generation’s power plants release only carbon dioxide, a building block of life. We don’t need our children tilting at windmills (or power plants) when there are real things that need their attention. I applaud lawmakers who realize this and stand in the gap between our children and a political agenda.
Gary Lee Stuber
Elkhurst, WV