Last weekend the track team closed out the regular season with the State Track Tournament. Leah Cottrell, Ashley McCracken, and Trevor Armes, along with the girls 4×800 relay team qualified for the event and went out with a bang. Just getting to the event is an accomplishment in and of itself. The 4×800 team consisting of Ashley McCracken, Cierra Kent, Bryonna Cantrell, and Desiree Kincaid placed 14th , Ashley McCracken placed 10th in the 300 meter Low Hurdles, Trevor Armes placed 11th in the 400 meter dash, and Leah Cottrell placed 15th in the shot put. Ashley and Leah have graduated and will move on to a life after high school, and Trevor and the rest of the 4×800 team will return again for the 2016 season. The track team has grown over the last couple of years and is getting better and better under the leadership of coaches Matt and Corey Stricker. In talking to the coaches, they believe that 2016 will be a great season with more and more talent that is coming out of CCHS. We look forward to the new season and what it holds for the runners and throwers of CCHS.