I realize that there are some who read this column who are not Baptist. I wish to say that I appreciate you doing so. I trust that you have learned some things about Bible doctrine. It is no accident that I teach the Bible from a Baptist prospective; I believe that the Bible is the only Baptist text book. The Roman Catholic teaching says that the Bible is not the only authority, but the Bible plus tradition. I believe, as a Baptist, that the Bible is the only authority and guide for the Christian and church member. And while we are on that subject, I also believe that the King James Version of the Bible is superior to all, and I mean ALL other versions; therefore, why would I use a Bible version that is inferior just because it has been modernized? The K. J. V. has never been broken, so why try to fix it?
Well, back to our title, Why Are You a Baptist? It has been my observation that most Baptist church members do not really know why they are Baptist. And, I am afraid that many do not really care. Many, perhaps most Baptist church members do not know much about the doctrine of the church at all. Please, may I ask, if you are something, shouldn’t you know why you are what you are? Would you like to know the answer to the question? Those of you who are not Baptist, would you like to know why Baptist are Baptist? Pastors, do you know why you are a Baptist? This is a question that can be answered; it isn’t a mystery which cannot be known. If you know, why don’t you teach your members why you are a Baptist?
I am afraid that many Baptist associations, fellowships and conventions have long departed from true church doctrine. Shamefully, they have allowed the Roman Catholic Church to turn their hearts from the truth, especially when it comes to the Nature of the Church. The idea that the church is a universal church comes from the name Catholic. The word Catholic means “universal”. The truth is, there is not one shred of evidence in the Bible to support the universal church theory, either visible or invisible, either Catholic or non-Catholic. Is anyone still with me? Good. Now, let’s learn the truth about some things concerning the Lord’s church, a true Baptist church.
The doctrine of the church is a most wonderful truth. It is wonderful because it glorifies God. Ephesians 3:21, “Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” God receives the most of his glory by and through that grand institution, for in it are the truths of His glory. In it His sovereignty is magnified; in it those truths are proclaimed more completely.
One of the Church’s worst enemies has been and continues to be the ecumenical movement. In the time in which this grand institution has been in existence, it has been attacked from every side. This heresy lies in the very heart of Satan. It has been his most effective weapon in his attempt to destroy the Lord’s glorious church. Satan, being the highly intelligent being that he is, knows that the one sure way to destroy the truth is to destroy the pillar and ground of the truth. If he can get the truth diluted first, then he can begin to do away with the church all together. Clorox is deadly, but if you dilute it enough, it becomes harmless. A lion or bear wouldn’t be as dangerous if it were not for their claws and teeth. When you begin to dilute the Bible and pull the teeth and claws of the truth you end up with a nothing to defend the truth.
The root of the ecumenical religion is the universal church heresy. I believe that the most dangerous heresy of our day is the universal church doctrine. These two go hand in hand. Out of this damnable teaching grows every sort of false teaching. Everything from Arminianism to New Ageism has its roots in the universal church heresy. I shall continue these thoughts next time. E-mail, johnpruitt@frontiernet.net