We would like to thank all the teachers and students in Clay County that participated in the annual Young Writers’ Contest. We appreciate the time and effort put forth to demonstrate our students’
skill in the art of essay writing. Each student displayed their talent, and we consider all of our students as winners, however, after judging each essay submitted, county winners were chosen for each level of competition. These winning essays are currently being judged for state competition.
The winners are:
Grade Level 1-2 Winner: Student: Delila Burkhamer Teacher:
Elizabeth Simmons
Grade Level 3-4 Winner: Student: Laila Varney Teacher: Tammy Varney
Grade Level 5-6 Winner: Teacher: Molly Chapman Student: Ashlea Morrison
Grade Level 7-8 Winner: Student: Emilea Holcomb Teacher: Crystal Black
Grade Level 9-10 Winner: Teacher: Tara Tanner Student: Jasmin Sharp
Grade Level 11-12 Winner: Student: Stefani Duffield Teacher:
Tasha Pennington