With the threat of bad weather on the horizon and umbrellas at hand, the half time festivities at the Homecoming game went off without a hitch. It was queen’s night in Clay County; Homecoming Queen McKinzie Barker, along with her court, graced the football field to the cheers of fans. McKinzie Barker, escorted by the gentleman’s gentleman Wyatt Dawson, strode across the field with the confidence and beauty of a Queen of England and with the heart of a lioness. Not only can McKinzie own the fashion world on the red carpet, but she can also be a beast on the basketball court where she is well known throughout the land as “Kinz”. She shows the best of both worlds and is the perfect queen for Homecoming 2014. Her escort, Gentleman Wyatt Dawson, is also well known for his social graces. However, when the gloves are off and the games begin, you will want to be home in a lazy chair – it’s the safest place. When the suit comes off, there is a big W there somewhere, and it doesn’t stand for wimp or whiney. Congratulations to both McKinzee Barker and her escort Wyatt Dawson. You both embody the CCHS Panther spirit school well. However, they were not the only ones on the field. The Homecoming court along with their escorts also graced the field with their presence. They were: Senior Princess, Haley Powell along with escort Cody Lockhart, Junior Princess, Sarah Elswick, along with escort Zach Davis, Sophomore Princess, Kailyn Morton along with escort Reece Nichols, and Freshman Princess, Alexis Blake along with escort Ethan Meadows. They all represented the school and their families very splendidly. Once again, congratulations to the Queen and her court.