Attention all churches – The annual Thanksgiving Dinner meeting will be held on Thursday, October 9 at 6pm at Crossroad’s Best Restaurant in Maysel. Please send a representative.
Jarrett Memorial United Methodist Church in Elkview will be celebrating 100 years with a homecoming on Sunday, October 12 beginning at 10:00 a.m. There will be special singing, food and fellowship. Come & spend the day. Everyone welcome.
The We Care Club will be holding their annual Bucket Brigade on Saturday, November 1. Please make a donation to ensure this program is as successful as it has been in the past helping in Clay County families.
There will be a Dip and Donate Spaghetti Dinner at Bethel Methodist Church on Saturday, October 18 from 3:00-6:00 pm. All proceeds go to the church.
The Birch River PSD will hold its monthly meeting on Friday, October 10, at 9:00 am at the PSD office in Birch River.
Anyone interested in renting the Big Otter Community Building should contact Doris Douglas at 304-286-5623
First Aid and CPR Class on October 11, 2014, 9am at Clay Ambulance Service
There will be a beginning welding class starting on Tuesday October 14 from 6-9 PM at the CCHS Ag shop. The class will run Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-9 pm for six weeks, totaling 36 hours. The instructor is John Pruitt. Anyone with questions can contact John at 304-587-2451, the CTE department at 304-587-4743 or email us at
Missing Person Jennifer Nicole Sears Belt has been missing since February of 2005. She is from Widen, West Virginia. She has green eyes, about 5’6” tall and has long dark hair. Anyone with any information should call the WVSP at 304-286-3185. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.
Narconon would like to remind families that the use of addicting drugs is on the rise, take steps to protect your family from drug use. If you know anyone who is struggling with drug addiction get them the help they need. Call for a free brochure on the signs of addiction for all drugs. Narconon also offers free screenings and referrals. 800-431-1754 or Addiction Counseling is also available. Call today for free screenings or referrals. 800-431-1754
West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance regularly scheduled visits in October. Sessions are conducted on a first come, first serve basis, but calling ahead of time is still encouraged. For more information call 304-872-0829. Braxton County Senior Center (Braxton County), 22 Senior Drive, Sutton, WV 26601, Wednesday, October 1 and Wednesday, October 29, 10:30 am – 3:30 pm; Richwood City Hall (Nicholas County), 6 White Avenue, Richwood, WV 26261, Wednesday, October 8, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm; Clay County Clerk (Clay County), 246 Main Street, Clay, WV 25043, Friday, October 17, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm, Webster Springs City Building (Webster County), 146 McGraw Avenue, Webster Springs, WV 26288, Wednesday, October 22, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm; Cowen American Legion Post No. 62 (Webster County), 63 Erbacon Road, Cowen, WV 26206, Wednesday, October 22,1:30 pm – 3:30 pm.
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Wallback, WV, upkeep donations due. Please mail donations for upkeep to Pleasant Hill Cemetery, c/o Marilyn Sutton Taylor, 221 Simmons Run, Newton,, WV, 25266. Thank You!
Clay County Health Department still has shingles shots available. Must be 60+. Call to come in and get your shot while supplies last. Shots are 15 Dollars.
Clay County Quilt Group is looking for new members. We meet the 2nd Saturday of every month in the basement of the library between 10:00 and 12:00. The first hour will be spent hand quilting a quilt that is already in the frame. The second hour will be devoted to piecing and sewing a new quilt block. Not interested in both, you choose which you want to do. We are a laid back group whose main focus is to have fun doing what we love to do. Come and join our group and enjoy the fellowship of other quilters. If you have further questions, call Kay Battles at 587-2597.
Volunteers Needed – Democratic Executive Members. Need help organizing meetings, etc. Need 4 people from each district. Please call 286-2134 after 7pm
Volunteers Needed: Walking Miracles is looking for volunteers who have a passion to help families whose children have cancer. We are looking for caregivers, friends and cancer survivors. Whether or not you took care of someone, were a friend, or had cancer when you were a child, as an adolescent or as an adult we need your help. We need energetic, creative out of the box thinkers so we can help our families throughout the state of WV. If you are interested please contact Founder Brett Wilson at 304-550-9599.
No Trespassing on the tract of property deeded to Patricia Morris at 3909 Leatherwood Road in Bickmore, WV.
No hunting or trespassing, James “Jim Bob” Canter, on Sattler property on Widen Ridge.
If you are a foreign combat veteran interested in helping make the community we live in a better place, then the VFW is the organization that you are looking for. The VFW is now in need of the younger generation of combat veterans to start taking the reins of the organization. It is a very rewarding brother/sister hood if you are willing to put some time into some of the projects the post is involved in. We look forward to seeing you at the post hall. Meeting times are the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 1900. Persons interested in more information can email or call 304-632-5129. Commander Jack Jones.