By Gary Lee Stuber
At the latest Clay County Board of Education meeting, Eric Legg gave a great director’s report on two returning services individuals in the school system: Doug Cook, Physical Therapy Services, and Dr. Nancy Gillespie, Audiology Services. The two provide needed services to the school system and if past performance is any indication, they will be a great pair of assets for the coming school year. After his presentation, Board Members Phoebe Nichols and Superintendent Philip Dobbins, praised and thanked Eric for his 26 years in the Clay County School System. Eric was a casualty of the decline in attendance, leading to cutbacks in the school system. Dobbins in particular noted that Eric was professional and understanding in the matter and wished him success with the neighboring county school system. Eric was hired by the Roane County School system. Eric is just finishing up the Clay County summer school program where he will work through July 25.
The board approved Assured Partners as Agent of Record for the 2024-2025 school year and West Virginia Board of Risk & Insurance Management (WV BRIM) as the property insurance carrier for the same period. They approved Encova Insurance as Workers’ Compensation carrier for the same period. They approved Southwestern Schools Cooperative/Premier Purchasing as the food service program for 2024-2025.
They approved the Memorandum of Understanding between Douglas P. Cook, Physical Therapist and Clay County BOE for physical therapy and the Contract Agreement between Clay County Schools and Nancy Gillispie Au.D, Professional Hearing Solutions, LLC for audiology services for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Board approved the following policies: Policy 1070 Board Member Compensation and Expense Policy to be placed on Comment Period for First Reading. President Nichols clarified that any raises if determined would not happen until 2028 far beyond the period of any present board member now seated. Policy 5010 Clay County Board of Education School Security Officers (supported by the Excess School Levy) placed on Comment Period for the Second Reading. Policy 5070 Maintenance of Personnel Records and Access to be placed on Comment Period for the Second Reading. Anyone who would like to read or comment on these policies can find them on the Clay County School website
The Clay County Board of Education also made a number of personnel changes. First, they accepted the resignation of Eric Legg as Assistant Principal at Clay County Middle School. They also approved the employment of Jeffrey Krauklis as IT Director. His prowess was visible at this BOE meeting as both Superintendent Philip Dobbins and President Phoebe Nichols were present via electronic means from their separate locations in Florida. Philip Dobbins was present as a chaperone for the student science wiz group that was invited to the TSA National Competition in Florida.
The board approved Kris Topa as Autism Mentor Aid at Clay County Middle School; Joshua Huffman and Joanne Nine as Fourth Grade teachers as Clay Elementary School; Allison Vaughn as Multi-Categorical/Resource K-2 Teacher at Clay Elementary School; Kaitlyn Samples as Resource Teacher at Clay Elementary School; Tasha McDonough as Kindergarten ECCAT Aide at Clay Elementary School; Jamie Paxton as Third Grade Teacher at Big Otter Elementary School; Cory Stricker as Literacy Interventionist at Big Otter Elementary School; and Loretta Triplett as Literacy Aide at Big Otter Elementary School.
They approved a 21st Century Summer Custodian Jamie Tanner at Clay County High School for the June 17 through July 25 summer school period. For this same summer period they approved Lisa Haynes (Grades 1-3) and Joanne Nine (Grades 4-6) Elementary Family Literacy Coordinators; Pamela Woods as Multi-Categorical/Resource Teacher at Clay Elementary School.
The Board noted that this was the last meeting that Susan Bodkins and David Pierson would be seated with the board as new incoming board members would be seated in July. Bodkins served 8 years and Pierson served 9 this round. He had been on the board for 10 years back in the 1980’s.
The next BOE regular meeting was scheduled for July 1 at 6:00 pm.