By Gary Lee Stuber
On Sunday morning, April 28, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., hundreds of former and present teachers, principals, staff, students and parents gathered at H.E. White Elementary School in Bomont, WV in Clay County to celebrate the camaraderie of at least four decades of service to eastern Clay County families. Tables of photos of photographs representing almost every class from the early eighties from 1980 to the present greeted the public as they came through the door.
The “Farewell Forever Dinner and Fundraiser” to raise money for this year’s end-of-year activities did very well, considering the parking outside that filled up even the ball field, and the number of people inside. Candidates running for Clay political offices took advantage of the invite, as well.
The meal was ham, fried potatoes, green beans, rolls, brown beans, and cornbread with bottled water or soda. There were a variety of home-baked deserts. Take out dinners were available, but most chose to eat at the tables with former friends or staff they worked with. PTO members were the event sponsors, with President Jeannie Evans and Vice President Lynn Taylor working registration or meeting needs as they came up.
Memories and hugs were shared generously with everyone.