The Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society held its first meeting of
2014 on Wednesday, March 19, in the Clay County Library. Present were Jerry Stover,
Sandra Claybrook, Tom Samples, Vicky Samples, Eloise Boggs and Karen Burdette.
The meeting was called to order by President Jerry Stover and an informal discussion
followed, with no motions made for official action. Jerry had a list of folks who have
helped the Society in various ways: donations of collections of news clippings; donation
of a photo album of the dedication of the new Dundon Bridge; work on the history of
“Wildman” Orville Brown; donations of pictures and of responses to the “Can You
Identify” series; donations of CCHS yearbooks; volunteer hours spent in the old
courthouse, cleaning, sorting and organizing. We are truly thankful for all of you.
The “Now & Then” Table of Contents for our website is “on hold” since the program
used on Eloise’s computer is not compatible. The suggestion was made to offer hard
copies of the Table of Contents (Vol.l through Vol. 20) for a price. Not all of our
members have computers. Eloise will complete the list for Vols. 21, 22 and 23 as time
permits. Vol. 1 begins with the September, 1990 issue.
Karen is still working on cemetery data, which entails a lot of research in the courthouse,
reading old obituaries and visiting gravesites. There are about 10,000 obituaries in our
computer program so far.
Vicky presented a written report of their work in our library. She, Tom, Sandra and Jim
make up the crew that spend regular work days in the old courthouse. They are sorting
and organizing and making research materials more accessible for folks seeking
information about their families and on other topics. Jim is our treasurer and takes care
of financial matters as well as other miscellaneous chores such as mailing materials
ordered by members. Ronnie prints off the labels for mailing the newsletter. Other
volunteers are always welcome.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 1 PM, Clay County Library