The Confusing Part About Getting Older
I turned 57 years YOUNG this year, but my body seems a little confused about the YOUNG part. My back still gives me aches and pains every day. When I stretch and pop it, it sounds like a sheet of bubble wrap or a bowl of Rice Krispies. I tend to make a lot more noise when I get out of a chair or bend over. I don’t remember groaning that much when I was in my 20’s. My digestive tract has also gotten a lot louder over the years. And my stomach has become quite grouchy toward certain foods. My blood pressure can no longer handle a lot of salt. And my glasses keep getting stronger as my eyes get weaker. When I look in the mirror too this stranger with age spots, wrinkles, and silver hair keeps staring back at me.
My mind also seems to be a lot more scattered and forgetful than it used to be. I think of something I need to do only to forget it for a little while then have it pop back into my head later in the day. It is like my brain has become a cluttered desk where I am always searching for that thought I misplaced somewhere. It can be truly frustrating at times.
The only part of me that still feels YOUNG is my soul. It sometimes wonders what in the world is going on with my body and mind. Even though it continues to get wiser as the years go by, it still feels energetic, vibrant, and forever young. That is why I try to let it lead the way even if it has to drag my body and mind, with their 57 years of wear and tear, along for the ride. I know that my soul is what is essential. I know that my soul is who I really am. I know that my soul, with God’s help, will lead me where I need to go and have me do what I need to do.
May you always let your soul lead the way. It will bring you love. It will give you peace. It will share your joy. It will keep you YOUNG. It will help you live the life you were meant to live and be the person you were meant to be. And in the end it will lead you home to God.