The monthly meeting of the Clay County Landmarks Commission and Historical Society was held at the Clay County Library on Thursday, Jun. 8, at 6 p.m. The meeting was attended by Jerry Stover, Sandy Claybrook, Jannette Douglas, Janet Koch, Kaitlyn Hall, Oscar and Carol Hutchinson, Marlene Potasnik, Jim Miller, and Danny Dawson.
The president Jerry Stover called the meeting to order. The minutes were read, a motion was made to accept the minutes as read and seconded. The motion carried. The treasurer’s report was read. A motion was made and seconded, the motion carried.
Old Business:
Kaitlyn Hall, who is in charge of copying the original “Hickory and Lady Slippers,” said she is having a problem getting a clear copy of the pages. A new scanner and printer are needed to solve the problem. An anonymous source volunteered the money to purchase the equipment. Thank you so much for the donation.
Our editor of the newsletter “Now and Then,” Kaitlyn Hall, is doing a great job. Thank you Kaitlyn!
A motion was made and seconded to display a sign to post on the old courthouse doors, indicating if someone wants to visit and view our materials to call one of the members and make an appointment. No digitals cameras are allowed without written permission from Jerry Stover. Motion carried.
New Business:
A motion was made and seconded to give approval to the State Auditor’s office a list of Board Members, a copy of the minutes of this meeting, and the turn over financial documents from 2013-2020. Motion carried.
A list of board members will be written up and taken to the new courthouse. The members are: Oscar Hutchison, Jerry Stover, Jim Miller, Ashleigh Reedy, and Kaitlyn Hall. A motion was made and carried on this matter. Motion carried.
A motion was made an seconded to set aside a room at the old courthouse as a Memorial for Eloise Boggs as the editor of the “Now and Then” for more than 30 years. We will also purchase a plaque for this purpose. Karen Burdette and the late Neva Walling will also have a plaque made honor them for their devoted service to the Historical Society. Motion carried.
The only property in Clay County that is on the Historical Registry now is the old courthouse. We would like people of our county to let us know if there is any other places, still existing or not, with pictures and proof of its existence and anything else you may have concerning the place. Please let us know, and we will try to get it on the registry for Clay County.
The librarian has information available for getting grants to purchase equipment for preserving materials, etc.
A motion was made and seconded to update our website to be used free of charge. Kaitlyn Hall will check on this for us. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be on Thursday, July 6, at 6 p.m. at the Clay County Library. A motion was and seconded to adjoin the meeting.