By Terri Allen
As a member of the the West Virginia Association of Fairs and Festivals, the Clay County Golden Delicious Festival will again sponsor its queen to compete in the annual state pageant event January 9-12 . The 2013 Miss Golden Delicious Queen, Ciara Brown, will compete for the coveted crown with dozens of fair and festival queens from around the state. The pageant competition includes, evening gown, interview, and event promotion where each contestant will offer an on stage commercial for her fair or festival. When asked about her event promotion ideas, Ciara stated that she has been working on her promotion for several weeks; she is excited to represent our festival; and plans to bring magic to the stage as she clicks her golden heels. Ciara recently graduated as a cosmetologist from Carver Career and Technical Center and is working in Charleston. The Clay County Golden Delicious Festival Board of Directors, volunteers and supporters are excited to bring “Team Ciara” to Charleston for this competition and we wish her the best of luck.
The annual convention takes place at the Charleston Civic Center and the Clay County Golden Delicious Festival has been a participating member since 1998. While many former Golden Delicious Festival queens, or teen queens, have placed in the top 10 and/or have won the state title representing other events, only one reigning Golden Delicious queen has ever won the crown, Elizabeth Taylor. Elizabeth is now a pageant director with the Clay County Golden Delicious Festival pageant and works as a teacher in Clay County.
While attending the convention, festival leaders and volunteers will attend educational programs, see entertainment showcases, visit the commercial trade show, lunch with the State’s Agricultural leadership, compete for marketing awards and spend time networking with other State leaders. This annual event is a valuable resource for the State’s fairs and festival leadership and provides support to local volunteers.