The Clay County Board of Education met on Monday October 9, 2017.
Aside from the regular items on the agenda, a motion was made to approve the resignation of Addie Cole as teacher at Clay Elementary School, effective September 29, 2017, was approved. A motion to approve the employment of Addie Cole as a substitute teacher for the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year was approved. A motion to approve the employment of Darlene Taylor as Bus operator for Bus #78 was approved. A motion was approved for the employment of the following after school site coordinators:
Clay County High School- Jamie Tanner, Angela Walker
Clay County Middle School- Eric Legg (from two nights to four nights)
Lizemore Elementary School- Britni Ramsey
Approve the employment of the following as After School Teachers. (21st Century Grant)
Clay County High School:
Math/STEAM- Luella Dancy
Enrichment- Taylor Connard, Kelsey Flinn
Substitute- Audra Thomas
Clay County Middle School:
ELA/Healthy Choices- Frankie Kerr (changed from Enrichment to ELA)
Math/STEAM- Michelle Hamrick (changed from one night to two nights)
Enrichment- Jessica Ramsey (one night), Katie Stover (one night mo.), Doug Wayne (one night), Tracy Wayne (one night), Brittany Dolly (one night mo.), Crystal Hamrick (one night mo.), Kara Stover (one night mo.)
Substitute- Patrick Black
Clay Elementary School:
Healthy Choices- Joanne Metheney, Pam Woods
Enrichment- Susan Hundley, Marlene Phillips
Substitute- Kathi Linkinoggor
Literacy After School Teacher at Clay Elementary School- Dawn Salisbury
Kathi Linkinoggor will be available as a substitute when she is not assigned as site coordinator.
Big Otter Elementary School:
Literacy- Sheran Helmick
Healthy Choices- Pam Douglas, Stacy Marks
Enrichment- Micki Boggs (one night), Karen Knopp
Substitute- Sheran Helmick (Sheran Helmick will be available as a substitute on days she is not assigned as a teacher.)
Lizemore Elementary School:
Math/STEAM- Rodney Aleshire, Kim Workman
Healthy Choices- Teresa Huffman (four nights-changed from substitute to Healthy Choice)
Substitute- Kim Workman (Kim Workman will be available as substitute when she is not assigned as a teacher.)
H.E. White Elementary School:
Enrichment- Mike Shamblin, Elaine Reed
Substitute- April Kearns
A motion was made to approve the 2017-2018 areas of critical need and shortage policy for Clay County Schools – areas include Business education, elementary education, health assistant, math, school counselor, school psychologist, science: general and biology, special education: multi-cat and gifted, which was approved. A motion to approve the 2017-2018 wellness policy for Clay County Schools was approved. This allows schools to have five celebrations with pre-packaged foods only. A motion to approve Whittington Fence Company to complete the H.E. White Green House Fence Project at H.E. White Elementary School (paid by the WVU Foundation) was approved.