Under the Housing Assistance provision of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) Individuals and Households Program, FEMA may provide Temporary Housing Assistance to eligible applicants whose pre-disaster primary residence is inaccessible or uninhabitable as a direct result of a presidentially declared emergency or major disaster.
FEMA primarily provides Temporary Housing Assistance in the form of Rental Assistance, which is financial assistance awarded to eligible applicants to rent alternate housing while repairs are being made to their pre-disaster primary residence or while they transition to permanent housing.
If FEMA determines eligible applicants cannot utilize Rental Assistance due to a lack of available housing resources in the area, the State, Territorial, or Indian Tribal Government may request FEMA to authorize u s e o f Temporary Housing Units (THUs).
FEMA may provide THUs to eligible applicants through:
Multi-Family Lease and Repair: FEMA may contract with a property owner or landlord to repair multi-family rental units for use as temporary housing for FEMA applicants.
Manufactured Housing Units (MHUs): MHUs are manufactured homes constructed in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development standards and FEMA contract requirements. Furnished MHUs, ranging from one to three bedroom units, are provided based on the applicant’s pre-disaster household composition. They are equipped with a fire sprinkler system and maintained by FEMA on a monthly basis to help save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property.
FEMA may also provide MHUs built to Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards for eligible applicants with access and functional needs and provide ramps or platform steps to accommodate accessibility needs. MHUs may be placed on a private site, such as an eligible applicant’s private property, a pre-existing commercial park, or, as a last resort, on a group site approved by local officials and constructed and maintained by FEMA.
To remain eligible to stay in a THU, applicants must demonstrate a continued housing need and be able to show progress toward a permanent housing solution. FEMA may provide THUs for up to 18 months following a disaster declaration, although the state, territorial, or Indian Tribal government may request an extension of the period of assistance due to extraordinary circumstances.