The Inspiration of the Bible
2Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
“The Holy Scriptures are our letter from home.” So wrote Augustine about the inspired Word of God. When I say inspired, I don’t mean the writers of Scripture gazed upon a beautiful mountain one early spring morning and then were inspired to write. No, the Scriptures are God breathed. Men penned the Words God spoke as they were “moved” by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:16-21). People were not just helped by the Spirit, or guided by the Spirit but moved and carried along by the Spirit of God, so what they wrote was not theirs, but God’s.
The Bible was written over a 2,000 year period by 40 different people. Kings and cupbearers, prophets and priests, fishermen and farmers, scholars and slaves all carried along by the Holy Spirit to write the very words of the Lord. They wrote different genres; history, letters, poetry, and prophesy. They wrote from different places under various circumstances; in times of prosperity, and dominance, times of bondage and suffering. And through it all, the amazing thing is there isn’t any disagreement in the message. From Moses to John, from Genesis to Revelation, there is no discrepancy in the message of the Bible. How is that possible, so many men from so many different walks of life? Because they are not the words of men, but the words of God Himself. You’ll find no inconsistency in message because there is one author of the book — God.
“All scripture is given by the inspiration of God”. He didn’t give the ideas and let the men fill in the blanks. God gave every word – every part of speech, in every chapter and verse, just the way he wanted it. Our creator revealed the truth about Him and about us. How can we know the mind of God, unless God tells us (1 Corinthians 2:10-13)? When you read your Bible, you are reading what the Holy Spirit is teaching you. “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God,” and not just the parts we like. The Old Testament is just as much God’s Word as the New. The Words in red are not more God’s Word than the black.
So many people want to hear from God. Today, we have more access to Bibles in the United States than any other people in history. Yet, week after week, people cry out for “a word from the Lord.” You have a word from God; it is your Bible! Love this precious book. A living book that speaks to us. An active book that comforts us. A relevant book for guidance in your life. How fast we search all over creation to get wisdom, when we have God’s Word. Don’t leave it on the shelf; hide it in your heart. God spoke to us in His Word!